Space Exploration – Space Race, The Hubble, Chasing Comet – Trajectory

“Space Exploration: Space Race, The Hubble, Chasing Comet” The documentary explores the history of space exploration, starting with the early days of rocket technology and the Cold War space race between the Soviet Union and the United States.

The race began in earnest when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite, in 1957. This event spurred the United States to develop its own space program, and the two nations competed to see who could achieve greater milestones in space exploration.

The documentary also discusses the development of the Hubble Space Telescope, which has made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe. However, the telescope is no longer being regularly maintained and its days are numbered.

The documentary explores the efforts being made to extend the telescope’s lifespan and what will happen when it eventually reaches the end of its operational life.

The documentary also touches on recent space exploration missions, including the European Space Agency’s mission to land a probe on Comet 67P, which was one of the most complex space missions ever attempted.

The documentary describes the challenges that the mission faced and the successes it achieved.

Overall, the documentary provides an interesting overview of the history of space exploration and the challenges that scientists and engineers have faced in their efforts to explore the universe.

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