History Of Weapons – Attack from Above

History Of Weapons: Attack from Above”. The documentary explores the history of weapons used for attacking from above and their deadly efficiency. The narrator highlights the fact that weapons have been a part of human history for as long as humans have existed.

While weapons can bring about suffering and death, they have also paved the way for technological advancements and sometimes even kept the peace.

The documentary focuses on three types of weapons used for attacking from above: aerial bombs, rockets, and incendiary arrows. It delves into the history of these weapons and how they have been deployed in warfare throughout the centuries.

The narrator highlights the significance of these weapons in modern warfare and how they have evolved over time.

The documentary also showcases experiments that reveal the secret of these weapons’ deadly efficiency. For example, the documentary follows weapons expert Mike Loades as he tries to understand the technology behind incendiary arrows.

He visits a traditional smithy to see how the essential part of the weapon, the iron head, is forged. He also observes how the incendiary composition is made and placed inside the small basket on the arrow.

Throughout the documentary, the narrator emphasizes the importance of chemistry and alchemy in deciding the outcome of ancient and medieval conflicts.

The knowledge of which substances are most suitable for the incendiary composition determines the effectiveness of the weapon. The narrator notes that chemistry and alchemy have been integral to the development of weapons and technology throughout human history.

In summary, the documentary “History Of Weapons: Attack from Above” explores the history of weapons used for attacking from above and their deadly efficiency.

It showcases the development of aerial bombs, rockets, and incendiary arrows throughout the centuries and emphasizes the importance of chemistry and alchemy in the development of weapons and technology.

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