10 Documentaries About Gangs That Will Leave You Speechless

Gangs have long been a part of society, especially in urban areas. The allure of power and belonging has led many to join these groups, often at the cost of their safety and well-being. Gang violence has plagued communities for decades, with no clear solution in sight.

Documentaries about gangs offer a glimpse into the lives of those involved in gang culture, highlighting the dangers and consequences of this lifestyle. Here are ten must-watch gang documentary films that shed light on the complexities of gang life.

Documentaries About Gangs That Will Leave You Speechless

10 Best documentaries about gangs

Discover the gritty reality of gang life with these 10 documentaries about gangs. From the origins of notorious gangs to their impact on communities, these films provide an eye-opening look into the world of gangs.

1. Chicago Gang Violence in Detroit – documentaries about gangs

Chicago Gang Violence in Detroit – documentaries about gangs

The video is a documentary about gang violence in Detroit and focuses on the efforts of the Detroit Police Department’s Gang Enforcement Unit, also known as the “gang squad,” to combat it. The unit is made up of 70 officers who use deep intelligence gathering and aggressive tactics to stop gang activity.

The documentary highlights the impact of gang violence on the city, particularly on the city’s young people, and the dangers that come with it, including easy access to guns. The documentary also follows the investigation into a recent school bus stop shooting that was found to be gang-related and the efforts of the police to bring the shooters to justice.

The video provides insight into the work of the gang squad and the challenges they face in a city with a high per capita murder rate and a nearly 30% unemployment rate.

2. Gang World: MS13 – documentaries about gangs

Gang World: MS13 – documentaries about gangs

The Documentary “Gang World: MS13” is about the notorious gang Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and their violent activities in the United States. The gang originated in El Salvador during the civil war in the 1980s when refugees and soldiers fled to the US and formed their own gangs to protect themselves from established street gangs.

MS-13 is considered the most violent gang in the US and has a presence in nearly every community in the country. The gang’s violence is rooted in their history and is rooted in their paramilitary training, use of machetes, and beliefs, such as the meaning of the number 13.

The gang’s reach extends across the United States, from the West Coast to the East Coast, and no town is immune to their violent activities. Law enforcement agencies consider MS-13 members among the most dangerous criminals they have encountered due to their brutality and mutilation of victims.

3. Inside The Life Of A Crips Gang Member – documentaries about gangs

nside The Life Of A Crips Gang Member – documentaries about gangs

The documentary “Inside The Life Of A Crips Gang Member” provides an overview of the history and activities of the Crips gang, one of the most notorious and violent gangs in America. The Crips were founded in Los Angeles in 1969 and gained influence by forming alliances with other gangs.

The gang’s rise can be attributed to the difficult socio-economic conditions faced by marginalized communities in the 1950s. The color blue, which is associated with the Crips, is said to have been adopted in memory of a founding member named Buddha.

The Crips have been involved in a range of illegal activities, including drug sales, robbery, and vandalism. The video also mentions Snoop Dogg as one of the most famous Crips members.

The documentary discusses how being a member of the Crips gang is a risky and dangerous lifestyle. Members often face the threat of being arrested or killed, and they live with the constant fear of rival gang attacks. The documentary also touches upon the role of women in the gang, who are often relegated to being “sex objects” and are not taken seriously by the male members.

Overall, the documentary provides an in-depth look into the history and culture of the Crips gang, shedding light on the circumstances that led to the formation of the gang and the challenges its members continue to face today.

4. Meet The Girl Gangs Of Los Angeles – documentaries about gangs

Meet The Girl Gangs Of Los Angeles – documentaries about gangs

The documentary “Meet The Girl Gangs of Los Angeles” discusses the gang problem in Los Angeles, where there are estimated to be over 86,000 gangsters, including girls. The video explores the role of girls in Los Angeles gangs and the effects of gang-related violence, including gunfire and physical assaults.

The documentary also highlights the prevalence of firearms in Los Angeles and the devastating impact of gun violence, which results in about 2,000 serious trauma cases every year, with 20 of those cases being women.

The documentary features interviews with experts, including a specialist on the gangs of Los Angeles and the chief of emergency surgery at a leading trauma unit in Los Angeles, who describe the dangers and consequences of gang life for girls.

5. Bloods One Of The Most Dangerous Gang In the USA – documentaries about gangs

Bloods One Of The Most Dangerous Gang In the USA – documentaries about gangs

The documentary is about the violent and dangerous gang, Gangster Killer Bloods (GKB), operating in Columbia, South Carolina. The gang is known for its drug trade and brutal violence, including shootings, home invasions, and carjackings. The GKBs are in constant conflict with rival gangs, particularly the Folk Nation.

The GKBs recruit members through the promise of easy money and respect. The gang operates with a code of violence and intimidation and is willing to use deadly force on anyone who disrespects them. The GKBs have a history of targeting innocent people and causing chaos in the city’s streets.

While Columbia has made efforts to combat gang activity, the Gangster Killer Bloods and other gangs continue to operate in the area, causing harm to both rival gang members and innocent civilians. The documentary sheds light on the violent and dangerous activities of the Gangster Killer Bloods, portraying them as a ruthless gang that operates with little regard for human life.

6. Who are 18th Street? one of the most notorious and biggest gangs in California

The Documentary is about the 18th Street gang, which is one of the largest and most notorious gangs in California, known for its history of multiple assassinations, taking over drug territories, gang wars, and extortion.

The documentary recounts a gang-related shooting incident in Los Angeles and a murder committed by a known member of the 18th street gang. The gang has a dangerous reputation, with a danger score of 9 out of 10. The video also mentions a gang-related conflict between two people with ties to the 18th Street gang, which resulted in a fight and the use of pepper spray.

The gang, which started as a small neighborhood gang in the Pico-Union area of Los Angeles, has grown into a massive organization with thousands of members spread across multiple states and even countries. The gang is involved in a wide range of criminal activities, including drug trafficking, extortion, and murder.

Despite the efforts of law enforcement to crack down on the gang, it continues to thrive, with new members joining every year. The 18th Street gang has left a lasting impact on the history of California and the United States, and its legacy of violence and crime is likely to continue for many years to come.

7. Hells Angel’s violent biker war with the Rock Machine

The documentary “Hells Angels violent biker war with the Rock Machine MC 2015” highlights the dangerous and violent actions of the Hells Angels, a notorious motorcycle gang that operates along the US-Canadian border.

The Hells Angels have gained control over Montreal’s drug trade, prostitution, and other criminal activities through intimidation and violence. The gang has spread across North America with over 1,300 members and 124 active chapters.

The Hells Angels have been known to attack anyone who stands in their way, including rivals’ wives, and will stop at nothing to maintain their power and control over the drug trade. The Rock Machine, a rival gang comprised of independent drug dealers and bikers, stood up to the Hells Angels, leading to a violent conflict between the two gangs.

8. Venezuela: Most Dangerous City on Planet

The documentary “Venezuela/Most Dangerous City on Planet/How People Live” shows the dangerous and poverty-stricken life in Venezuela. The video shows the impact of crime and violence on the daily lives of people, the struggles they face to meet basic needs, and the high cost of living.

The documentary also discusses the political situation in the country and how it has led to economic instability and social unrest. The documentary highlights the impact of crime on the country, where murder, robbery, and kidnapping are common.

The documentary discusses the extreme danger and poverty in Venezuela, including its high murder rate and rampant crime. The video shows footage of a dangerous neighborhood where a gang controls the area and people must give away their possessions to avoid being robbed or harmed.

The video also highlights the economic struggles faced by many Venezuelans, such as high prices for basic goods like toilet paper and a low-income level despite the country’s rich oil reserves. The video also touches on the use of drones and the recent assassination attempt on President Maduro, which has led to increased restrictions on drone use. Overall, the video paints a bleak picture of life in Venezuela and the many challenges faced by its people.9.

9. Murder in the 6IX: Toronto’s Deadly Gang War

The documentary “Murder in the 6IX: Toronto’s Deadly Gang War” discusses the gang violence occurring in Toronto, Canada, and its connection to the city’s rap scene. The video mentions various incidents of violence, including shootings, and the individuals involved in these events.

The documentary also discusses the city’s rap scene and its ties to gang violence, with specific references to various rappers and their associations.

It’s clear that the gang war in Toronto is ongoing and has claimed many lives. The video mentions various rappers and their connections to the gang scene and highlights how some have been linked to serious crimes.

It also touches on the booming rap scene in Toronto and its similarities and differences with the UK drill scene. The video ends with a call for the senseless violence to stop and for the new generation to show gratitude for their lives.

10. New Zeland’s Gang Explosion

The Sinaloa drug cartel has recently targeted New Zealand as a new market for methamphetamine due to its highly lucrative nature. The influx of meth has been causing havoc and the drug has spread to all classes of society, including politicians, lawyers, doctors, and businessmen.

New Zealand’s largest and most powerful gangs, the Mongrel Mob and Black Power, are fighting over territory and control of the methamphetamine trade, resulting in a surge in gang-related violence.

However, the leader of the Waikato Mongrel Mob chapter claims to be opposed to the meth trade and carries out drug tests on his 600-strong gang to enforce a zero-tolerance policy.


In conclusion, exploring the topic of gangs through documentaries can provide a unique and insightful perspective into the lives of gang members and the impact of gang violence on communities. In this post, we have provided a list of 10 documentaries about gangs and analyzed the key themes and insights that viewers can gain from watching them.

We hope that this post has inspired you to watch these documentaries and learn more about this complex and often misunderstood topic. We encourage you to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section and to continue exploring this important subject.

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